Friday, September 7, 2012

Thing #3 I'm well on my way now!

Before starting this class, I thought blogging was like a Facebook or a Twitter. Thinking that it was just another way to communicate with people. Now that I am an official blogger, i guess it could be said that this is a good tool to use in the classroom. I never min my wildest dreams would have thought blogging could have been productive in any form or fashion. Teachers could use this for anything really. I'm sure it could be a great tool for students to understand concepts in the classroom. One way it would help me in my classroom is to help students with homework or on study guides. I know how I am in a classroom filled with at least twenty more people. I'm the kind of guy that's not going to stand up and yell every answer to every question that the teacher asks a class. I am reserved to my thoughts. Going back to thing1, I struggle to have confidence in myself and I fear of having the wrong answer and being that guy who got that question wrong. Blogs could help that one student out who doesn't like talking to teachers face to face to ask questions or talking among a small crowd. Another great way to use blogs in the classroom is make it an assignment. Today's kids are far ahead of any generation that's come before. Us as teachers must be prepared to teach technology and put it in our curriculum.


  1. This is something that a girl in my class brought up as well. In middle and high school situations, blogs could be a more efficient and diverse way of getting students involved in discussions rather than the tradition sit in a circle and talk scenario. I am also a pretty shy and socially awkward person, maybe not now as much as I was in high school, but it's still not also easy for me to participate in discussions. I'd say in addition to getting students involved, a blog with the parents would be an effective means of communicating upcoming events as well as getting their ideas and feedback as to what could go on in the classroom.

  2. Blogging is kind of like a "facebook or a twitter," but I would have to add that it is more geared towards our endeavors as teachers. I agree that it can be used as a great communication tool, especially for the shy, intimidated student. Never thought of that initially, great post!

  3. This has also been my first experience blogging. I think I may set up a blog for my individual classes in the future to post class reflections on a daily basis. I believe it can be a good tool to provide feedback for the students as well as a tool to track classroom progress. A few minutes everyday to let your students know how class went could make a huge difference in their attitudes. I also agree that it can be a good outlet for students to give feedback.
