Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What An Adventure!

My favorite discovery was the generators was my favorite. I feel that I could play with those all day long. I also found it neat how Youtube could be productive in the classroom. I can honestly say that the 23 things has opened my eyes to whole new world of technology. I felt before the 23 things i was up to par with technology, but now I know I am up to par! I would say an unexpected outcome was the whole fact of using Twitter and Facebook for teachers. I really couldn't see any good coming out of them for teachers but they actually do.

I can truly say I will be using some of these things in my classroom. Some of them are so neat and creative. I feel that today's students would really enjoy blogging. This would also be a great way for me to see what students expect from me as the teacher or their tendencies. One way I will stay involved in Web 2.0 is keeping my eyes open for new applications online and being open to any new way of communications.

Thing #23 Almost home

Creative commons is a great tool to use for every level of thinking. All teachers want to make some kind of difference in a child's life. Of course, all teachers want to be tabbed as original. The use of pictures and diagrams are time consuming. We all want credit for our work.

Thing #21 My Journey

My Journey

 I really enjoyed working with Animoto. This could be a very useful website for art teachers. This project could get students to express themselves in a completely different way than before. Students could really enjoy this. This also could be something they could hold on to for the rest of their lives.

Thing #20

This is a classic way of showing students that school can be linked with pop culture! There are plenty of other examples of videos like this to help students learn. I personally feel that students today need motivation that school is cool. This video proves that teachers can be up to date with pop culture and not to mention they can use it in their lesson plans.

This experience was the best for me. I had a blast looking up videos like this one. I plan on using Youtube in my lesson plans to show students different perspectives on a subject.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing #19

To be honest I have never been apart of any of these sites. Mainly because I have never seen nor heard about them. I think TeacherPop would be a good one for me. I am always interested in talking to current teachers and picking their brains about how teaching is changing. I like to get all the information I can get. Like I said before, Teacherpop would be something I look into for the future just to see if I can talk to teachers for advice.

Thing #18


I believe it is very important to know how to use a social network. The reason for that is one to connect with other teachers across the nation. Another reason is to connect with parents. I am a bigger Twitter guy than Facebook. It is more convient for me to say what I need to say and get off. A great way to use social media is to show parents what all is going on in the classroom with pictures and videos.

Thing #17

I'm officially a fan of delicious! This will for sure be a tool I use in my future classroom. I feel this would be a great instrument for students to use while doing any assignment in any class. I like the fact that so much information is on this site that people can use to their advantage.

Thing #16 Moving Along!

I used igoogle. This was very simple for me because it synced with my gmail account. This will be very valuable to me. The reason being is because I do not have time to go check individual websites for scores from games the night before and check the weather all at the same time.

Next I got the online calendar. I will enjoy having this in the future. With being a head coach and a student, I barely have time to plan anything outside of baseball and school. When my girlfriend wants to have dinner, I can just put it in the calendar and I will not forget it! The reason for this being very nice is because I never carry around a physical calendar around with me, but I can check on my phone and it be there.

The to-do-list is very valuable to me at this time a year. When all the professors are cramming work in at the last minute I can check the to-do-list online and not forget a thing.

I would recommend to anyone I talk to about using the calendar and the to-do-list. These two widgets will help you from losing your insanity and keep your woman happy!

Thing # 15

This thing has got me worked up! It's very confusing and just too complicated for my liking. As of right now until I get a better feel for wikis I won't use this in my classroom. Now that being said, if I ever get the hang of wikis I'd love to use them for my student's parents to look at to get a better idea of what is going on in the classroom!

Thing #14 Flowcharts!!

So with messing around and getting my feet wet in a couple websites (Gliffy and Mindmeister). I think a flow chart would be perfect for a science project in the classroom. Mindmaps would probably benefit students more from the standpoint of making notes for them to study. Now taking that into consideration, I do not think this would be good to present on a test or quiz. I think these applications would only benefit students with the learning process.

Thing #13 Applications!

So when I first got to looking at Zoho, I thought it was a different named Microsoft Word! After playing around with it for a little bit, I have realized this would be a little more convient for some people. I personally think that this would work great if they had not been exposed to Microsoft Word. I'm not saying that it wouldn't work for someone who has, but it would benefit people who haven't more. https://writer.zoho.com/index.do?docId=2508947000000013004

I like Zoho better than Google Docs. I feel that Zoho would be easier to use for students than Google Docs as well.